

Don Mills Terrace

This condominium is ready to up its curb appeal while providing residents with a sheltered and secure area to relax outdoors. We were brought on to showcase the terrace's potential by presenting preliminary concepts to the board. Here you can see a few views of each concept; we are as excited as the residents are to see what the results will be!...

Don Mills Courtyard

Even great designs need updating every now and then, and this condo courtyard is ready for a facelift! Because this site is tied into below-grade parking and building foundations, it is a high priority to preserve some of the systems while minimizing changes to the infrastructure. This means working with the existing levels and keeping the expansive water feature. The outcomes we are looking for are: -Provide an intriguing tapestry for those viewing the courtyard from the residential balconies above. -Increase accessibility and usability of...